
Ejector design calculation software
Ejector design calculation software

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Ejector design calculation software

Rmw RE: Steam ejector design (Chemical) 22 Dec 08 17:39. Over the years they have done enough tests that they can exptrapolate from those that they have tested so they rarely have to verify by testing these days, but they have the labs and test stands to do so if needs be. Change something and they have to do the process all over again. If it works as designed, then they produce curves and that becomes the performance standard for that particular design. Speaking for my experience with at least one of them, they calculate a design and then make one and test it. This device uses water vapor as the working fluid and operates at 7.5 bar motive pressure, 63☌ and 80☌ for suction and discharge temperatures, respectively.There is a lot of an emperical component to vacuum jet design and manufacturing. The results indicate that these variables can affect both the entrainment ratio and critical back pressure. Finally, the effect of various nozzle exit plane diameters which cause different Mach numbers at the nozzle exit is investigated on the thermocompressor performance. Then its performance is analyzed by choosing different operating conditions at the boundaries and also different area ratios which is one of the significant geometrical factors to describe the thermocompressor performance. Since the flow is turbulent and supersonic, CFD is an efficient tool to reveal the phenomena and mixing process at different part of the thermocompressor which are not simply obtained through an experimental work. This paper first describes the flow behavior within a designed model of a thermocompressor using the computational fluid dynamics code, FLUENT. The performance of a thermocompressor highly depends on its geometry and operating conditions. They work like a vacuum pump but without usage of any moving part and so they can save energy. They are devices that use the energy of a high pressure fluid to move a low pressure fluid and enable it to be compressed to a higher pressure according to the principle of energy conversion.

Ejector design calculation software Ejector design calculation software

Thermocompressors are widely used in a large number of industries that use steam as their heating medium or as a power generating utility.

Ejector design calculation software